Friday, December 21, 2012

EDLD 5363 Final Version of "Safety First"

EDLD 5363 Weeks 4 & 5 Web Conferences Reflections

After viewing the latest webcasts from Dr. Abernathy, I find that much of the mystery has been taken out of the class requirements. There may be a cloud or two that I have to remove, but on the whole, things are better. Some of the points stressed by Dr. Abernathy include the basic premise of the collaborative effect of the group itself. Our purpose and objective is to help each other, not only in the present but also in the future with our students, fellow teachers, and administrators. One question that I was familiar with dealt with the differences between a script and the outline. Dr. Abernathy gave a common sense explanation and the issue was resolved. This, I believe is a classic example of over thinking a given issue. This is something that I have gained great expertise in and wish that I hadn't. The subject of maintaining a level course of progress toward fulfilling the intern hours requirements was stressed by Dr. Abernathy. She provided an example of a student that has fallen behind, and was in danger academically. The subject of the ILD, Instructional Leadership Development, was discussed and we were given some appropriate and timely suggestions to that end. I understand from Dr. Abernathy that I should probably start preparing for the ILD at my local ESC. I am past the halfway point in the program, and it was her thought to begin the process of addressing that portion of certification. I feel as though these web conferences are very valuable in that the unknown becomes known, and I find great comfort in that.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Plan

  1. Examining the work: Setting the Foundation - Discipline is the singular issue dealt with by educators since the beginning of the learning process. It has been known to keep the classroom, hallways, and every portion of the campus hostage in terms of deterring the practice of education. The supposition has to be made that existing root causes share commonality and relate directly to discipline issues. Upon discovery, classification and analysis, can there not be data to address potential issues that may arise in the future? Additionally, the beliefs and notions held by the faculty affect the effectiveness of the policies.  If this information were used to modify the current discipline plan, would a better learning environment not be created? There is a strong potential for the Information gained to be used in modifying the current discipline plan.
  2. Analyzing data – The data gained originating in both raw discipline referrals and staff input will be analyzed and classified in order to find the basis of my conclusions. 
  3. Developing deeper understanding – Part of this process will be anonymous feedback from the faculty via online surveys on three strategically designed dates. The attempt is to eliminate as much emotion from the data as possible.
  4. Self-Reflection – Some of the questions that will need to be addressed on an ongoing manner include the following; “Are the most appropriate and most effective questions being asked?”, “Should there be additional sources of data streams located?” , and “What other methods can be used to validate the data?”
  5. Exploring Programmatic Patterns – Through the process of classification, it should inherently identify any patterns that need addressing. These problems will be recognized and a solution will be applied.
  6. Determining direction – Much of what is accomplished will be guided by Liz Anthony, Cindy Furr, and myself. Through bi-weekly meetings and sharing of raw data the process will begin in April 2012.
  7. Taking action for school improvement – Early findings will be available in September 2012. Implementation of early modifications theoretically could begin as early as the fall of 2012. Our ongoing meetings can provide reflections that should influence the direction of these modifications.
  8. Sustaining improvement – After the completion of the plan, professional development can be provided to deliver these changes that affect the discipline plan and objectives. The message to the faculty and staff has to stress the process is an evolving and adaptive plan. These stakeholders have to understand the importance of their input, and equally the importance of their compliance in regards to the implementation.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Action Plan Template

One thing that I have learned with zero room for doubt, this will change......

Action Planning Template
Goal: Discipline is the singular issue dealt with by educators since the beginning of the learning process. It has been known to keep the classroom, hallways, and every portion of the campus hostage in terms of deterring the practice of education. The supposition has to be made that existing root causes share commonality and relate directly to discipline issues. Upon discovery, classification and analysis, can there not be data to address potential issues that may arise in the future? Additionally, the beliefs and notions held by the faculty affect the effectiveness of the policies. If this information were used to modify the current discipline plan, would a more efficient learning environment not be created?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Identify perceived notions regarding school discipline policies – Spring

Anthony Dodson
May 2012

Survey Monkey
Compile results from faculty and staff
Identify perceived notions regarding school discipline policies - Fall

Anthony Dodson
September 2012

Survey Monkey
Compile results from faculty and staff
Identify perceived notions regarding school discipline policies - Winter

Anthony Dodson
December 2012

Survey Monkey
Compile results from faculty and staff
Compile 2011-2012 discipline statistics

Anthony Dodson
Cindy Furr
June 2012

Aggregation of data
Compile 2012-2013 discipline statistics

Anthony Dodson
Cindy Furr
May 2013

Aggregation of data
Administration discipline updates
Anthony Dodson
Liz Anthony
Cindy Furr

April 2012 – April 2013
This will allow continual adjustments and identifications of anomalies
Reconciliation and modifications

Anthony Dodson Liz Anthony
Cindy Furr

April 2013
Policy changes addressed and potentially implemented

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The best laid plans of mice and men....

I'm happy to report there are no mice involved in this one.....

  1. Examining the work: Setting the Foundation - Discipline is the singular issue dealt with by educators since the beginning of the learning process. It has been known to keep the classroom, hallways, and every portion of the campus hostage in terms of deterring the practice of education. The supposition has to be made that existing root causes share commonality and relate directly to discipline issues. Upon discovery, classification and analysis, can there not be data to address potential issues that may arise in the future? Additionally, the beliefs and notions held by the faculty impact the effectiveness of the policies.  If this information were used to modify the current discipline plan, would a better learning environment not be created? There is a strong potential for the Information gained to be used in modifying the current discipline plan.
  2. Analyzing data – The data gained originating in both raw discipline referrals and staff input will be analyzed and classified in order to find the basis of my conclusions.  
  3. Developing deeper understanding – Part of this process will be anonymous feedback from the faculty via online surveys on three strategically designed dates. The attempt is to eliminate as much emotion from the data as possible.
  4. Self-Reflection – Some of the questions that will need to be addressed on an ongoing manner include the following; “Are the most appropriate and most effective questions being asked?”, “Should there be additional sources of data streams located?” , and “What other methods can be used to validate the data?”
  5. Exploring Programmatic Patterns – Through the process of classification, it should inherently identify any patterns that need addressing. These problems will be recognized and a solution will be applied.
  6. Determining direction – Much of what is accomplished will be guided by Liz Anthony, Cindy Furr, and myself. Through bi-weekly meetings and sharing of raw data the process will begin in April 2012.
  7. Taking action for school improvement – Early findings will be available in September 2012. Implementation of early modifications theoretically could begin as early as the fall of 2012. Our ongoing meetings can provide reflections that should influence the direction of these modifications.
  8. Sustaining improvement – After the completion of the plan, professional development can be   provided to deliver these changes that affect the discipline plan and objectives. The message to the faculty and staff has to stress the process is an evolving and adaptive plan. These stakeholders have to understand the importance of their input, and equally the importance of their compliance in regards to the implementation. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

How far do we drill, Mr. Fibonacci?

As I become more familiar with the process of action research and all that it entails, details and avenues suddenly appear where none existed just moments before. The key seems to be the reflection process and what comes from that. As I dig into the concept of the proposal, new ideas spring forward and cause additional pondering. Maybe, just maybe, there is no bottom. Think about that. The possibilities keep on coming with no end in sight.

With these opportunities come new territory and fresh air. We have a chance to make a positive change in someone's ability to learn. How cool is that? We get out of the rut, dust ourselves off, and make that change. Our level of drive and desire to make the transition a reality is essential for this process to have any degree of effectiveness. Consistency and diligence are the motor that power our exploration and, to the end, reflection.

Drill, baby, drill.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Let me count the ways

The power of web based information continues to skyrocket. Much like Independence Day fireworks, our opportunities to communicate is exploding in all directions. Blogs are but one streamer with rays of light flowing to many destinations. As an administrator, it is incumbent upon us to optimize this process in order to create an improved learning environment. 

These channels could include your weekly thoughts and comments newsletter that can be embedded or linked on the school website. This is a commonly used and effective practice to stay in touch with the community. There may be an issue of concern that is in need of clarification. A blog can aid greatly in getting the message to the masses.

Blogs can be useful when you have the need for self-reflection and personal improvement. They can be used much like a journal, simply for the purpose of collecting and organizing your thoughts. It is important that you maintain a level of confidentiality and security in regards to access should there be any information that could be deemed sensitive. 

The ability and opportunity to share experiences and knowledge with other professionals is one that can’t be understated. I greatly lean on the garnered experiences of my colleagues in order to improve my job performance.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Action Research, what's it all about?

            The mere presence of the word "research" many times conjures thoughts and notions of prior tasks embraced much in the same manner as a crossing of the Sahara. Too many times our research delivered nothing more than a regurgitation of facts, figures, and a bar graph or two. There was what was referred to as a solution, albeit nicely camouflaged somewhere just this side of the annotations. This solution was designed and manufactured by an incredibly well qualified professional whose calling in life was to find resolutions that would cure what ailed you. No matter how the proximity of similar facts fell. Did it matter that there was little or no commonality with many or most of the issues, key or otherwise? Traditional research tells us no, it really doesn’t matter, take two pills and don’t call us in the morning. The theoretical world of the ivory towers has spoken. 

Action research provides a completely different perspective and opportunity to resolve the problem in a much more effective, long term manner and delivers additional benefits that the traditional methods simply cannot.  The principal’s inquiry begins the process of personal involvement with the community directly impacted by the issue by gathering data and interpretation of that data. These same people become collaborators and find themselves seeking remedies and learning more about the problem itself. This community finds itself committing to the solution based simply on the gained knowledge and the entailing learning process. Some of the additional benefits include strengthening relationships with your peers, discovering other opportunities for action research, and the exposure of the process to others.  No matter the solution or how effective it may be, the single most important aspect is reflection. Without reflection, your solution could very well be a band aid on a broken bone. Reflection inherently provides the opportunity for adjustments and whatever tweaks found to be necessary. Reflection also produces monitoring for the long term. The world of education will forever be evolving, so must be our solutions as well.